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Guobin Zhu & Celeste Lo:A Special Approach to the Personality Principle in the Safeguarding National Security Ordinance and its Convergence and Divergence with Common Law Traditions

日期: 2024-07-03 來源: 紫荊


編輯:孫藝寧 校對:李博揚 監製:黎知明
編輯:孫藝寧 校對:李博揚 監製:黎知明
Guobin Zhu & Celeste Lo:A Special Approach to the Personality Principle in the Safeguarding National Security Ordinance and its Convergence and Divergence with Common Law Traditions
Distinct from conventional criminal legislation, a key characteristic of modern national security laws is their requisite extra-territorial reach, designed to address threats to national security originating outside the nation’s soil. The recently established Safeguarding National Security Ordinance (“SNSO”) is of no exception.