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Laurence J. Brahm: Hong Kong Uses Kung Fu Culture to Make China’s Voice Heard in the World

日期: 2024-10-31 來源: Bauhinia Magazine


編輯:李博揚 校對:劉雨桐 監製:張晶晶
編輯:李博揚 校對:劉雨桐 監製:張晶晶
Laurence J. Brahm: Hong Kong Uses Kung Fu Culture to Make China’s Voice Heard in the World
In Brahm’s speech, he reviewed the history of ‘Ping-Pong Diplomacy’ between China and the United States, and outlined China’s development achievements. In his view, China needs to further strengthen its soft cultural diplomacy, and Hong Kong has a unique advantage in this regard with its Kung Fu culture, which should be used to make China’s voice heard and to tell China’s story to the world.